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Why do People Cheat?

Raypole, Crystal. “Why do People Cheat in Relationships?”, 11 Oct, 2019,

When a couple is married, it is often thought that it is difficult for anything to break that bond. However, it is the opposite. Cheating can easily occur as a result of many different factors the can both appear internally within the relationship or outside of the relationship. One of the reasons that cheating can occur is that it happens as a cause for revenge. In some cases, a person in the relationship did something that hurt the other person emotionally or physically, and the significant other may cheat. It is crucial to understand that in modern times, infidelity occurs online more often as it is easier to access.


Another reason that cheating can occur is that one person in the relationship falls out of love with the other person or vice versa. This can occur if the other person isn’t emotionally satisfied.


The third reason that cheating can occur is due to the lack of needs. More specifically, a person in the married relationship isn’t satisfied or pleased with his or her significant other’s offerings. This need can be something such as sexual desires, emotional needs, monetary needs, etc.


Another reason that may seem absurd but does happen is that a person in the relationship wants variety. This topic goes back to the idea of being unsatisfied. To further exacerbate cheating, technology, and social media makes cheating much more tempting and easier to occur. With technology, a person doesn’t have to physically meet the other person from the outside. In addition, the usage of technology as a means to cheat makes it easier for the person to keep the outside relationship a secret from a person’s wife/husband. 

By: Brandon Huynh

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