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Let's Talk about the Correlation between Social Media and Infidelity

Technology is the human application of scientific knowledge and techniques that make human life much more conventional and efficient than without it. One example of technology is social media. Social media a broad term used to describe applications that allow people to spread information through a network of other people. This information can either be private or public depending on the preferences of the person who is using social media. Some examples of social media include: Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Instagram is used to post pictures with captions. Tinder is a dating application. The function of Twitter is quite similar to Instagram. Snapchat is similar to Instagram as well; however, the posts are not permanent. Finally, Facebook is similar to Instagram. All of the applications allow for private direct messaging to different individuals. The main difference between all of them is the interface of the application.


Infidelity is the act of crossing marital boundaries, and the definition of marital boundaries can differ for each married couple. However, marital boundaries would often be defined as being faithful.  Infidelity also comes in many forms depending on the context of the situation. There is digital infidelity and then there is physical infidelity. Physical infidelity occurs when a person in a married relationship decides to physically engage with another person from the outside. Digital infidelity is the act of being unfaithful via technology such as social media.  For example, a married person can commit an act of digital infidelity through private text messages or emails, sending pictures that would otherwise violate marital boundaries, or seek new relationships by using dating applications such as Tinder.


Within the past few decades, it has become easier than ever to fall into the pit of infidelity or even participate in infidelity related behaviors thank you social media and all of its forms. Digital infidelity is on the rise, and hiding things from one's partner has become common as well. What counts as cheating depends on each person, which is where things can become blurry. To some, a like may be crossing the line, and to some staying on a dating app while in another relationship may be the problem. Regardless, digital infidelity is definitely a modern day problem, and we aim to spread awareness and help combat the issue. Take a look at our media and articles for more information!

“Addiction to Social Networking Sites Linked to Romantic Disengagement and Infidelity-Related Behaviors.” PsyPost, 13 Apr. 2019,


Jones, Dominic. “Social Media Is Redefining the Rules of Infidelity.” Medium, Medium, 25 June 2018,

By: Brandon Huynh and Sara Adnan

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