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Internet Pornography & Cyber Infidelity

Before the internet, access to porn requires much more effort than it does today. From walking to the corner store to pick up the latest Playboy edition to walking into the video store and sneaking behind the curtains of the XXX rated section, pornography was still taboo and an act that required active effort on the part of the viewer. Today, pornography is within reach in almost any American home let alone mobile devices. From pop-ups to live video chats, it has become extremely easy to indulge and sometimes get addicted to pornography.


Some might not consider pornography to be cheating as some couples even view it together, but to most, lusting over someone other than your partner is a form of infidelity and conflict. According to Ferron, Lussier, Sabourin, & Brassard, “Research has shown that visiting sexually explicit sites is associated with a greater likelihood of infidelity, especially in men during their first years of marriage”. Furthermore, aside from increasing the likelihood of infidelity, the same study also proposes that excessive pornography use can be linked to couple and sexual dissatisfaction.

Dolan , Eric. “Study Finds Link between Psychopathy and Using Tinder While in a Committed Relationship.” PsyPost, 3 Sept. 2018,


Ferron, Anik, et al. The Role of Internet Pornography Use and Cyber Infidelity in the Associations between Personality, Attachment, and Couple and Sexual Satisfaction. Scientific Research Publishing, 19 Nov. 2016,

By: Elia Neeley

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