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Despite a popular opinion that infidelity is determined by an act of physical/sexual unfaithfulness, we must confront the reality that infidelity is a subjective spectrum (i.e. it is not defined by a single act or situation). With that being said, there’s a specific “type” of infidelity that has become controversial in recent years: micro-cheating. Micro-cheating is defined as a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person is emotionally or physically focused on someone outside of their relationship”.


Micro-cheating can be applied to social media. Some examples of this are keeping your online dating profile active while in a committed relationship, reconnecting with your ex, lying about your relationship status on social media, and—in more extreme cases, sexting or sharing nude photos with someone else. Although these are “small” acts, micro-cheating can potentially damage a relationship depending on the severity of said act. Everyone has their own perception of what infidelity is. Thus, it is very important to discuss your boundaries and expectations with your partner to avoid any confusion or potential conflict later down the line.

Kanisemeekstdiva. “What Is Considered Cheating (From a Man's and a Woman's Point of View).” PairedLife, 18 June 2019,


Louie, Sam. “Micro-Cheating.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 16 Jan. 2018,



By: Elia Neeley

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